Domain of Earth

The power to collapse buildings and whole cities lies within the power of the Earth. A Demon with Domain over Earth controls these forces. The ground holds no secrets from these Demons and it gives up its treasures at the Demon's behest.

• Dowsing
This Evocation allows the Demon to find the things the ground hides. Precious metals, crystals, bodies and water, if it is under so much as an inch of earth this Evocation can allow the Demon to find it, provided he has at least an idea of what he‘s looking for. It can even find a body buried in concrete or other such derivative products.
Cost: None
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Earth
Action: Instant
Duration: 1 Scene
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Evocation fails and the Demon looses 1 point of Faith.
Failure: The Evocation fails with no effect.
Success: The Demon can either get a general sense of things buried in the earth within sensory range (about 200 yard radius) or he can attempt to locate a specific thing or type of thing out to a range of his Dominion in miles. The more successes on the roll, the more detail that is revealed. The weakness is that the Demon gets no sense of things simply lying on top of the earth, so a thirsty Demon in the woods might wander for miles searching for an underground stream while a raging river winds a few hundred feet in the other direction.
Exceptional Successes: No further benefit is gained.
Turmoil: The Demon can only get a general sense of things no matter how many successes he gets on the roll.

•• Bury
The Demon must touch his target to affect it. This Evocation allows a Demon to bury an immobile or incapacitated target in the earth without the use of a shovel.
Cost: None or 1 Faith
Dice Pool: Strength + Athletics + Earth
Action: Instant
Duration: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Evocation fails and the Demon looses 1 point of Faith.
Failure: The Evocation fails with no effect.
Success: The target is buried under 1 foot of earth per success. Targets must be at rest in order to be so buried, so while an unconscious person might be buried a struggling victim in a grapple could not. This Evocation is only effective in earth sand and perhaps concrete or stone though such hard materials require the expenditure of a point of Faith. A Demon cannot bury a target in ice, snow, or linoleum etc.
Exceptional Successes: The Evocation clears away any evidence of the earth having been disturbed.
Turmoil: Rather than burying the target the Demon creates a quagmire of loose dirt, sand or mud in a radius around himself equal to his successes in yards. Anyone caught in the radius must spend an Instant Action to extricate themselves or they cannot move, but may otherwise act normally.

••• Treasures of the Earth
This powerful Evocation allows the Demon to force the Earth to give up its buried treasures. Anything the Demon might find with Dowsing can be called up and laid at the Demon‘s feet.
Cost: 1 Faith
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation + Earth
Action: Instant
Duration: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Evocation fails and the Demon looses 1 point of Faith.
Failure: The Evocation fails with no effect.
Success:Provided the Demon is in a place with such reserves, each point of Faith spent summons one uncut precious gem or 1 kilo of raw minerals of the Demon’s choice allowing him to summon lumps of gold or iron as desired. If the Demon so desires, he can summon out a buried corpse or only the gold fillings in its skull and the gold watch on its wrist. This evocation can extricate a corpse from a concrete bridge support or the like. If summoning something from the ground, the Demon can have it appear anywhere within sensory range, allowing anonymous gifts or a chance to scare someone by having a dead body erupt from the earth at their feet.
Exceptional Successes:The Evocation leaves no trace of the earth having been disturbed.
Turmoil:The summoned objects or materials are ejected explosively from the ground or stone dealing a point of Bashing damage to anything within a yard of its exit point.

•••• Burrow
The Demon can use this Evocation to tunnel through earth, sand or stone leaving tunnels behind him or not as desired. This can be a devastating weapon if applied to a structure’s foundation. A Demon can transforms such a foundation into Swiss cheese.
Cost: 1 Faith per round
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Survival + Earth
Action: Instant
Duration: Varies
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Evocation fails and the Demon looses 1 point of Faith.
Failure: The Evocation fails with no effect.
Success: The Demon can travel at half speed through any kind of earth, even solid stone or concrete leaving a tunnel behind him or not as desired, thus a Demon with sufficient reserves of Faith can destroy building foundations or rapidly create sink holes, moats or other such manipulations of earth.
Exceptional Successes: The Demon may move at normal speed.
Turmoil: The Demon leaves a wake of destruction roughly 1 yard wide on the surface when traveling underneath. This deals Bashing damage to anything in contact with the earth equal to the number of Torment successes.

••••• Rattling the Earth's Bones
This Evocation is a disaster movie come to life. The Demon sends his Faith into the Earth and roils it into a tumultuous nightmare that shatters buildings and casts living beings to the ground. If the Demon cannot spend the required cost in one round he may sacrifice his Action, Movement and Defense each round until a sufficient charge is gathered.
Cost: 3 Faith
Dice Pool: Strength + Survival + Earth
Action: Instant
Duration: 1 Round per success
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Evocation fails and the Demon looses 1 point of Faith.
Failure: The Evocation fails with no effect.
Success: The Demon affects a radius of his Dominion x 10 yards dealing Bashing damage equal to his Dominion + Domain rank. Any animate being other than the Demon and not rooted to the ground immediately suffers a knockdown and the Evocation’s damage. If the regain their footing, they are knocked to the ground again on the Demon’s next initiative and suffer the same damage unless they were able to escape the radius of effect. If they stay prone they suffer a -5 penalty to all actions as the roiling tumult of earth makes almost anything nearly impossible but suffer no further damage. Structures sitting on or rooted into the ground immediately suffer the Evocation’s damage which ignores durability though vehicles with rubber tires receive their durability they are rapidly rattled out of the area or into each other. This Evocation does not function on bridges, aircraft, or floors above first or the basement.
Exceptional Successes: No further benefit is gained.
Turmoil: In addition to the tumultuous shaking the Demon’s Anguish becomes noxious fumes, such as methane gas and bursts of asbestos. Victims in the area other than the Demon must roll Stamina, Those that fail are poisoned, using the rules for ammonia.

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